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Here are some of my favorite pictures about our favorite subject.












Interesting articles about the legendary Manuel Velazquez

a discussion about a '61, and Manuel's label and signature

Manuel Velázquez: an appreciation







Ida Presti


John Williams




Great Guitars I Have Known

1830's Craftsman's Guild

1830's Craftsman's Guild


1856 Torres

1856 Torres

1966 Robert Bouchet

1966 Robert Bouchet


1903 Santos Hernandez

1903 Santos Hernandez


1929 Simplicio


A partial list of notable people who have purchased guitars from the Guitar Salon:

Earl Klugh, Paul Simon, Virginia Luque, Keith Richards, Mark Mancina.



 Women's Role in the History of Guitars


Women at the Gibson guitar factory in Kalamazoo, MI, during World War II. (Margaret Hart)



HH1 Bev and HH3

Bev and MV Bev and Freiderich


YoungBev BevToday

Bev and Hausers





pic Tarrega



Never too young to learn




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